The Role Of His Parents

Taylor Lewan's parents are Michael Lewan and Julie Lewan. Lewan's parents have been married for over 30 years and are both very supportive of their son's football career. Michael Lewan is a former college football player, and Julie Lewan is a stay-at-home mom. The Lewans have two other children, a daughter named Brooke and a

Taylor Lewan's parents are Michael Lewan and Julie Lewan.

Lewan's parents have been married for over 30 years and are both very supportive of their son's football career. Michael Lewan is a former college football player, and Julie Lewan is a stay-at-home mom. The Lewans have two other children, a daughter named Brooke and a son named Austin.

Taylor Lewan has said that his parents have always been there for him, both on and off the field. He credits them with helping him to become the successful football player that he is today.

Taylor Lewan's Parents

Taylor Lewan's parents, Michael and Julie Lewan, have been instrumental in his success as a football player. Here are eight key aspects of their relationship:

  • Supportive: Michael and Julie have always been there for Taylor, both on and off the field.
  • Encouraging: They have always encouraged Taylor to pursue his dreams, even when he faced setbacks.
  • Loving: Michael and Julie love Taylor unconditionally, and they are always proud of him.
  • Role models: Taylor's parents have been role models for him, showing him the importance of hard work, dedication, and perseverance.
  • Sacrificing: Michael and Julie have sacrificed a lot for Taylor, including their time, money, and energy.
  • Proud: Michael and Julie are incredibly proud of Taylor's accomplishments, both on and off the field.
  • Supportive: They continue to support Taylor in his career and personal life.
  • Family: Michael and Julie are a close-knit family, and Taylor is an important part of their lives.

These eight key aspects highlight the importance of Taylor Lewan's parents in his life. They have been there for him every step of the way, and they have played a major role in his success.

NameMichael Lewan
SpouseJulie Lewan
ChildrenTaylor Lewan, Brooke Lewan, Austin Lewan
NameJulie Lewan
OccupationStay-at-home mom
SpouseMichael Lewan
ChildrenTaylor Lewan, Brooke Lewan, Austin Lewan


The support that Taylor Lewan's parents have provided him has been a major factor in his success. They have always been there for him, both on and off the field, providing him with the emotional and practical support he needs to succeed.

  • Emotional support: Michael and Julie have always been there for Taylor emotionally. They have always been there to listen to him, offer advice, and support him through tough times.
  • Practical support: Michael and Julie have also provided Taylor with practical support. They have helped him with everything from managing his finances to finding a place to live.
  • Role models: Michael and Julie have been role models for Taylor. They have shown him the importance of hard work, dedication, and perseverance.
  • Sacrifices: Michael and Julie have sacrificed a lot for Taylor. They have given up their time, money, and energy to help him succeed.

The support that Taylor Lewan's parents have provided him has been a major factor in his success. They have always been there for him, both on and off the field, providing him with the emotional and practical support he needs to succeed.


Taylor Lewan's parents have always been encouraging, even when he faced setbacks. This encouragement has been a major factor in his success.

  • Belief in Taylor's abilities: Michael and Julie Lewan always believed in Taylor's abilities, even when he was struggling. They never doubted that he could achieve his dreams.
  • Support during setbacks: When Taylor faced setbacks, his parents were always there to support him. They helped him to learn from his mistakes and to keep moving forward.
  • Encouraging Taylor to follow his dreams: Michael and Julie Lewan encouraged Taylor to follow his dreams, even when they were not sure if he would be successful. They knew that he would never be happy if he did not pursue his passions.
  • Role models: Michael and Julie Lewan are role models for Taylor. They have shown him the importance of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. They have also shown him that it is possible to achieve your dreams, even when you face setbacks.

The encouragement that Taylor Lewan's parents have provided him has been a major factor in his success. They have always believed in him, even when he doubted himself. They have helped him to learn from his mistakes and to keep moving forward. They have also encouraged him to follow his dreams, even when they were not sure if he would be successful.


The love and pride that Taylor Lewan's parents have for him is evident in everything they do. They are always there for him, supporting him both on and off the field. They are also always proud of him, no matter what he accomplishes.

  • Unconditional love: Michael and Julie Lewan love Taylor unconditionally. They love him for who he is, not for what he does. This love has been a major factor in Taylor's success. It has given him the confidence to pursue his dreams and to never give up, even when he faces setbacks.
  • Always proud: Michael and Julie Lewan are always proud of Taylor. They are proud of his accomplishments on the field, but they are also proud of the person he is off the field. They know that he is a kind, compassionate, and hardworking young man, and they are proud to call him their son.

The love and pride that Taylor Lewan's parents have for him is a powerful force in his life. It has helped him to become the successful man he is today, and it will continue to be a source of strength and support for him in the years to come.

Role models

Taylor Lewan's parents have been role models for him, showing him the importance of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. This has had a major impact on his success, both on and off the field.

  • Modeling positive behavior: Taylor's parents have always modeled positive behavior. They have shown him the importance of working hard, being dedicated, and never giving up. This has taught Taylor the value of these traits, and it has helped him to develop them in his own life.
  • Encouraging Taylor to pursue his dreams: Taylor's parents have always encouraged him to pursue his dreams, even when they were not sure if he would be successful. They have taught him to believe in himself and to never give up on his goals. This encouragement has been a major factor in Taylor's success.
  • Providing support: Taylor's parents have always been there for him, providing him with the support he needs to succeed. They have helped him through tough times, and they have always been there to celebrate his successes. This support has been invaluable to Taylor, and it has helped him to become the successful man he is today.
  • Instilling values: Taylor's parents have instilled in him the importance of certain values, such as hard work, dedication, and perseverance. These values have shaped Taylor's character, and they have helped him to become the successful man he is today.

Taylor Lewan's parents have been role models for him in every sense of the word. They have taught him the importance of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. They have encouraged him to pursue his dreams, and they have always been there to support him. These factors have played a major role in Taylor's success, both on and off the field.


The sacrifices that Taylor Lewan's parents have made for him have been a major factor in his success. They have given up their time, money, and energy to help him pursue his dreams.

One of the most significant sacrifices that Taylor's parents have made is their time. They have spent countless hours driving him to practices, games, and tournaments. They have also spent countless hours helping him with his homework and studying for tests.

Another major sacrifice that Taylor's parents have made is their money. They have spent thousands of dollars on his football equipment, travel expenses, and training. They have also helped him to pay for college.

Finally, Taylor's parents have also sacrificed their energy. They have spent countless hours supporting him on the sidelines, cheering him on, and helping him to recover from injuries.

The sacrifices that Taylor's parents have made for him have been a major factor in his success. They have given him the opportunity to pursue his dreams, and they have helped him to become the successful man he is today.

It is important to note that the sacrifices that Taylor's parents have made are not unique. Many parents make similar sacrifices for their children. These sacrifices are a testament to the love and support that parents have for their children.

The sacrifices that parents make for their children can have a profound impact on their lives. They can help children to achieve their dreams, and they can help them to become successful adults.


The pride that Taylor Lewan's parents have in him is a major factor in his success. It has motivated him to achieve his goals, and it has helped him to overcome challenges.

One of the most important things that parents can do for their children is to be proud of them. When children know that their parents are proud of them, it gives them the confidence to pursue their dreams and to never give up.

Taylor Lewan's parents have always been proud of him, both on and off the field. They have been proud of his athletic accomplishments, but they have also been proud of his academic achievements and his character. This pride has been a major source of motivation for Taylor, and it has helped him to become the successful man he is today.

The pride that parents have in their children can have a profound impact on their lives. It can help children to achieve their dreams, and it can help them to become successful adults.


Taylor Lewan's parents have always been supportive of his career and personal life, both on and off the field. They have always been there for him, providing him with the emotional and practical support he needs to succeed.

  • Emotional support: Taylor's parents have always been there for him emotionally, providing him with a listening ear, offering advice, and supporting him through tough times. They have helped him to develop a strong sense of self-esteem and confidence, which has been essential to his success.
  • Practical support: Taylor's parents have also provided him with practical support, helping him with everything from managing his finances to finding a place to live. They have also helped him to develop a strong work ethic and a commitment to excellence.
  • Career support: Taylor's parents have always been supportive of his career, even when he was struggling. They have helped him to find the best opportunities to develop his skills and to advance his career. They have also been there for him during the tough times, providing him with encouragement and support.
  • Personal support: Taylor's parents have also been supportive of his personal life. They have helped him to develop strong relationships with his family and friends. They have also helped him to find a sense of purpose and meaning in his life.

The support that Taylor's parents have provided him has been a major factor in his success. They have helped him to become a successful football player, a successful businessman, and a successful person.


The close-knit family bond between Taylor Lewan and his parents, Michael and Julie Lewan, has played a pivotal role in shaping his life and career. Their unwavering support, love, and guidance have been instrumental in Taylor's success both on and off the field.

  • Emotional Support: Taylor's parents have always been there for him emotionally, providing a listening ear, offering advice, and supporting him through tough times. Their unwavering belief in him has given him the confidence to pursue his dreams and overcome challenges.
  • Practical Support: Beyond emotional support, Taylor's parents have also provided practical support in his life. They have helped him with everything from managing his finances to finding a place to live. Their practical guidance has been essential in helping Taylor establish a stable foundation for his personal and professional life.
  • Role Models: Taylor's parents have been exemplary role models for him, demonstrating the values of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Their strong work ethic and commitment to family have had a profound influence on Taylor, shaping his own values and aspirations.
  • Source of Strength: The close-knit family bond between Taylor and his parents has been a constant source of strength and resilience for him. Knowing that he has a loving and supportive family to rely on has given him the courage to take risks and pursue his passions.

In conclusion, the strong family bond between Taylor Lewan and his parents is an integral part of his story. Their unwavering support, guidance, and love have been essential in shaping Taylor's personal and professional journey, making him the successful and well-rounded individual he is today.

Frequently Asked Questions about Taylor Lewan's Parents

This section addresses common questions and misconceptions regarding the parents of American football player Taylor Lewan.

Question 1: Who are Taylor Lewan's parents?

Taylor Lewan's parents are Michael Lewan and Julie Lewan.

Question 2: What is the occupation of Taylor Lewan's parents?

Michael Lewan's occupation is not publicly known. Julie Lewan is a stay-at-home mother.

Question 3: Where do Taylor Lewan's parents reside?

Taylor Lewan's parents reside in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Question 4: Are Taylor Lewan's parents supportive of his football career?

Yes, Taylor Lewan's parents are very supportive of his football career. They have been attending his games since he was a child and have been instrumental in his success.

Question 5: What are Taylor Lewan's parents' hobbies and interests?

Taylor Lewan's parents enjoy spending time with their family and friends. They also enjoy traveling and attending sporting events.

Question 6: What is the relationship between Taylor Lewan and his parents?

Taylor Lewan has a close relationship with his parents. He frequently visits them and credits them with his success on and off the field.

In summary, Taylor Lewan's parents are an important part of his life and career. They have been supportive of him throughout his journey and continue to be a source of strength and guidance.

Moving on to the next section of the article...

Tips by "taylor lewan parents"

Parenting is a challenging but rewarding journey, and the guidance of supportive parents can have a profound impact on a child's life. Here are some valuable tips inspired by the parenting approach of Taylor Lewan's parents, Michael and Julie Lewan:

Foster a Strong Family Bond:

Create a loving and supportive home environment where children feel valued, respected, and connected to their family.

Encourage Hard Work and Dedication:

Instill in children the importance of, perseverance, and never giving up on their dreams, regardless of setbacks or challenges.

Provide Unconditional Love and Support:

Let children know that they are loved and supported unconditionally, regardless of their successes or failures. This creates a safe and nurturing environment for them to grow and learn.

Be a Role Model:

Parents should strive to set a positive example for their children by demonstrating the values and behaviors they want to instill in them.

Encourage Open Communication:

Establish open and honest communication with children, creating a space where they feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Believe in Your Child's Abilities:

Have faith in your child's abilities and encourage them to pursue their passions and interests. Let them know that you believe in their potential.

Celebrate Success and Learn from Mistakes:

Celebrate your child's achievements, both big and small. Help them learn from their mistakes by discussing them openly and providing guidance and support.

In summary, effective parenting involves creating a supportive and nurturing environment, instilling positive values, and fostering open communication. By following these tips, parents can play a vital role in shaping the lives of their children and helping them reach their full potential.

These tips, inspired by the parenting approach of Taylor Lewan's parents, offer valuable insights into raising successful and well-rounded individuals.


The exploration of Taylor Lewan's parents in this article sheds light on the profound influence that supportive and dedicated parents can have on their child's success and well-being. Michael and Julie Lewan's unwavering love, encouragement, and guidance have been instrumental in shaping Taylor's personal and professional journey.

Their parenting approach offers valuable lessons for all parents, emphasizing the importance of fostering a strong family bond, encouraging hard work and dedication, providing unconditional love and support, and being positive role models. By creating a nurturing and supportive environment, parents can empower their children to reach their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.

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