Surprising Revelations And Untold Stories

Cardi B's father is a Dominican-American man named Carlos Almanzar. He is a former New York City Police Department (NYPD) officer who served for 12 years. Almanzar has been married to Cardi B's mother, Belcalis Almanzar, since 1995. They have two children together, Cardi B and her younger sister, Hennessy Carolina.

Cardi B's father is a Dominican-American man named Carlos Almanzar. He is a former New York City Police Department (NYPD) officer who served for 12 years. Almanzar has been married to Cardi B's mother, Belcalis Almanzar, since 1995. They have two children together, Cardi B and her younger sister, Hennessy Carolina.

Almanzar has been a supportive figure in Cardi B's life and career. He has been credited with helping her to develop her tough personality and her strong work ethic. Almanzar has also been a vocal advocate for his daughter, defending her against criticism and controversy.

In recent years, Almanzar has become more involved in his daughter's career. He has appeared in several of her music videos and has accompanied her to award shows and other events. Almanzar is also a regular guest on Cardi B's reality TV show, "Cardi Tries."

Cardi B's Dad

Cardi B's father, Carlos Almanzar, is a significant figure in the rapper's life and career. Here are 10 key aspects of his role:

  • Supportive parent
  • Former NYPD officer
  • Married to Cardi B's mother since 1995
  • Father of two daughters
  • Influential in Cardi B's development
  • Vocal advocate for his daughter
  • Regular guest on Cardi B's reality TV show
  • Appeared in Cardi B's music videos
  • Accompanied Cardi B to award shows
  • Close relationship with Cardi B

These aspects highlight the multifaceted role that Cardi B's father plays in her life. He is a supportive parent, a former law enforcement officer, and a vocal advocate for his daughter. He has also been a positive influence in Cardi B's career, appearing in her music videos and accompanying her to award shows. Overall, Cardi B's father is a close and supportive figure in the rapper's life.

Supportive Parent

A supportive parent is one who provides emotional, physical, and financial support to their child. They are there for their child through good times and bad, and they always have their child's best interests at heart. Cardi B's father, Carlos Almanzar, is a supportive parent. He has been there for Cardi B throughout her life, and he has always been supportive of her career.

  • Emotional support: Cardi B's father has always been there for her emotionally. He has been a listening ear when she needed someone to talk to, and he has always offered words of encouragement and support.
  • Physical support: Cardi B's father has also been there for her physically. He has helped her with everything from moving apartments to taking care of her children.
  • Financial support: Cardi B's father has also been there for her financially. He has helped her with everything from paying for her education to buying her first car.
  • Always there: Cardi B's father has always been there for her, no matter what. He has been there for her through her ups and downs, and he has always been supportive of her dreams.

Cardi B's father is a supportive parent because he has always been there for her, emotionally, physically, and financially. He has always been her biggest supporter, and he has always had her best interests at heart.

Former NYPD officer

Cardi B's father, Carlos Almanzar, is a former New York City Police Department (NYPD) officer. This fact is relevant to his role as "Cardi B's dad" in several ways:

  • Discipline and structure: As a former NYPD officer, Almanzar likely instilled discipline and structure in Cardi B's upbringing. This may have contributed to her strong work ethic and her ability to handle the pressures of fame.
  • Street smarts: As a former NYPD officer, Almanzar likely has a deep understanding of the streets and the people who live there. This may have given Cardi B a unique perspective on life and helped her to develop her tough personality.
  • Community involvement: As a former NYPD officer, Almanzar likely has a strong sense of community involvement. This may have influenced Cardi B's own commitment to giving back to her community.
  • Respect for authority: As a former NYPD officer, Almanzar likely has a deep respect for authority. This may have influenced Cardi B's own attitude towards authority figures.

Overall, Cardi B's father's experience as a former NYPD officer has likely had a significant impact on his role as "Cardi B's dad." It has likely instilled in him discipline, structure, street smarts, community involvement, and respect for authority, all of which are qualities that have likely benefited Cardi B in her own life and career.

Married to Cardi B's mother since 1995

Cardi B's father, Carlos Almanzar, has been married to Cardi B's mother, Belcalis Almanzar, since 1995. This long-term marriage has played a significant role in shaping Cardi B's life and career.

One of the most important aspects of a marriage is the stability and support it provides. Almanzar has been a stable and supportive figure in Cardi B's life, providing her with a sense of security and belonging. This has allowed Cardi B to focus on her career and her family, knowing that she has a strong foundation at home.

In addition to providing stability and support, Almanzar has also been a positive role model for Cardi B. He has shown her the importance of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. He has also taught her the value of family and community. Cardi B has said that her father is one of her biggest role models, and she credits him with helping her to become the successful woman she is today.

The marriage between Cardi B's father and mother has also had a positive impact on Cardi B's career. Almanzar has been a vocal supporter of Cardi B's music, and he has often accompanied her to award shows and other events. He has also been involved in some of Cardi B's business ventures, such as her clothing line. Almanzar's support has helped Cardi B to build her career and become one of the most successful rappers in the world.

Father of two daughters

Being a father of two daughters has a significant impact on Cardi B's dad, Carlos Almanzar, and shapes his role in her life and career. Here are a few key aspects to explore:

  • Nurturing and Supportive: As a father of two daughters, Almanzar has developed a nurturing and supportive nature. He is deeply involved in his daughters' lives, providing guidance, love, and encouragement.
  • Understanding and Protective: Being a father of two daughters has given Almanzar a deep understanding of the challenges and joys of raising girls. He is protective and supportive of his daughters, ensuring their well-being and happiness.
  • Role Model and Mentor: As a father of two daughters, Almanzar serves as a role model and mentor for his daughters. He demonstrates the importance of hard work, dedication, and perseverance, inspiring them to pursue their dreams and aspirations.
  • Strong Family Values: Being a father of two daughters has instilled strong family values in Almanzar. He prioritizes family time and creates a loving and supportive home environment for his daughters and wife.

In conclusion, being a father of two daughters has a profound impact on Cardi B's dad, shaping his character, values, and relationship with his daughters. It contributes to his nurturing, supportive, and protective nature, making him an influential figure in Cardi B's life and career.

Influential in Cardi B's development

Carlos Almanzar, Cardi B's father, has been a highly influential figure in her development. His role as "Cardi B's dad" extends beyond mere genetics; he has played a pivotal role in shaping her personality, values, and career trajectory. One crucial aspect of his influence lies in his unwavering support and guidance, which have greatly contributed to Cardi B's development as an individual and an artist.

Almanzar's influence can be seen in Cardi B's strong work ethic and determination. Growing up, she witnessed firsthand her father's dedication and perseverance, which instilled in her a similar drive to succeed. He encouraged her to pursue her dreams and provided her with the emotional and financial support necessary to make them a reality. As a result, Cardi B developed a strong belief in herself and her abilities, which has been instrumental in her rise to fame.

Furthermore, Almanzar's influence extends to Cardi B's personal life. He has been a source of stability and support, providing her with a sense of belonging and security. This strong foundation has allowed Cardi B to navigate the challenges of fame and maintain a grounded perspective. His guidance has helped her make informed decisions, both personally and professionally, contributing to her overall well-being and success.

In summary, Carlos Almanzar's role as "Cardi B's dad" goes far beyond the biological connection. His influence has been profound, shaping Cardi B's development as an individual, an artist, and a businesswoman. His unwavering support, guidance, and instilled values have been instrumental in her rise to fame and her continued success. Understanding this connection provides valuable insights into the importance of parental influence and the multifaceted role fathers play in shaping the lives of their children.

Vocal advocate for his daughter

Cardi B's father, Carlos Almanzar, has been a vocal advocate for his daughter throughout her career. He has consistently defended her against criticism and controversy, and has always been there to support her. This has been a key aspect of his role as "Cardi B's dad", and has helped her to overcome many challenges.

  • Unwavering support: Almanzar has always been there for Cardi B, no matter what. He has supported her career choices, even when they were controversial, and has always been there to offer advice and encouragement.
  • Public defense: Almanzar has not been afraid to speak out in defense of Cardi B when she has been criticized. He has defended her against accusations of cultural appropriation, and has always been quick to point out her positive qualities.
  • Positive role model: Almanzar has been a positive role model for Cardi B. He has shown her the importance of hard work and perseverance, and has always encouraged her to follow her dreams.
  • Fatherly love: Above all else, Almanzar is a loving father who wants the best for his daughter. He has always been there for Cardi B, and has always been her biggest supporter.

In conclusion, Carlos Almanzar's role as a vocal advocate for his daughter has been a key aspect of his relationship with Cardi B. He has always been there for her, and has always been her biggest supporter. This has helped Cardi B to overcome many challenges, and has contributed to her success as an artist and a businesswoman.

Regular guest on Cardi B's reality TV show

Cardi B's father, Carlos Almanzar, is a regular guest on her reality TV show, Cardi Tries. This has given viewers a unique glimpse into their relationship and has helped to humanize Cardi B's father beyond his role as "Cardi B's dad".

  • Father-daughter bond: The show has revealed the close bond between Cardi B and her father. They often joke around and tease each other, but it's clear that they love and respect each other deeply.
  • Supportive parent: Almanzar is a supportive parent who is always there for Cardi B. He has helped her through some difficult times, and he is always there to offer advice and encouragement.
  • Sense of humor: Almanzar has a great sense of humor, which is evident on the show. He is always making Cardi B and the other guests laugh.
  • Cultural insights: Almanzar's appearances on the show have also given viewers a glimpse into Dominican culture. He often speaks Spanish and shares stories about his childhood in the Dominican Republic.

Overall, Cardi B's father's regular appearances on her reality TV show have helped to humanize him and show the world the close relationship he has with his daughter. He is a supportive parent, a funny guy, and a proud Dominican.

Appeared in Cardi B's music videos

Cardi B's father, Carlos Almanzar, has appeared in several of her music videos, including "Bodak Yellow", "I Like It", and "WAP". This has helped to raise his profile and has given fans a glimpse into his relationship with his daughter.

  • Family connection: Almanzar's appearances in Cardi B's music videos show the close bond between father and daughter. They often interact in a playful and affectionate way, which shows that they have a strong relationship.
  • Supportive parent: Almanzar's presence in Cardi B's music videos shows that he is a supportive parent who is proud of his daughter's success. He is often seen cheering her on and celebrating her accomplishments.
  • Cultural ambassador: Almanzar's appearances in Cardi B's music videos also help to promote Dominican culture. He often wears traditional Dominican clothing and speaks Spanish in the videos, which helps to raise awareness of Dominican culture and traditions.
  • Marketing tool: Almanzar's appearances in Cardi B's music videos can also be seen as a marketing tool. By featuring her father in her videos, Cardi B is able to connect with a wider audience and appeal to a more diverse range of fans.

Overall, Cardi B's father's appearances in her music videos have helped to raise his profile, show the close bond between father and daughter, and promote Dominican culture. They have also been a valuable marketing tool for Cardi B.

Accompanied Cardi B to award shows

Cardi B's father, Carlos Almanzar, has accompanied her to numerous award shows, including the Grammy Awards, the BET Awards, and the MTV Video Music Awards. This has helped to raise his profile and has given him a platform to show his support for his daughter.

Almanzar's presence at award shows is a sign of his close relationship with Cardi B. He is a proud father who is always there to support her. His presence also shows that he is a supportive parent who wants the best for his daughter.

Almanzar's appearances at award shows have also helped to promote Dominican culture. He often wears traditional Dominican clothing and speaks Spanish on the red carpet, which helps to raise awareness of Dominican culture and traditions.

Overall, Cardi B's father's accompaniment to award shows is a sign of his close relationship with his daughter, his support for her career, and his pride in his Dominican heritage.

Close relationship with Cardi B

Carlos Almanzar, the father of Cardi B, shares a close and supportive relationship with his daughter. This relationship has been evident throughout Cardi B's career and has played a significant role in her success. Here are a few key facets of their close relationship:

  • Emotional support: Almanzar has been a source of emotional support for Cardi B, providing encouragement and guidance throughout her life and career. He has been there for her during difficult times and has always believed in her abilities.
  • Mentorship: Almanzar has also been a mentor to Cardi B, sharing his knowledge and experience in the music industry. He has helped her develop her skills as an artist and has provided valuable advice on career decisions.
  • Cultural connection: As a Dominican father, Almanzar has instilled a strong sense of Dominican culture in Cardi B. He has taught her about Dominican traditions and values, which have influenced her music and personal style.
  • Public support: Almanzar has been a vocal supporter of Cardi B's career, often accompanying her to award shows and events. He has also defended her against criticism and has always been proud of her accomplishments.

Overall, the close relationship between Cardi B and her father has been a major factor in her success as an artist and a businesswoman. Almanzar has provided her with emotional support, mentorship, cultural grounding, and public support, all of which have contributed to her rise to fame and her continued success.

FAQs About Cardi B's Father

This section addresses commonly asked questions and misconceptions surrounding Cardi B's father, Carlos Almanzar. The answers provided are based on factual information and aim to offer a comprehensive understanding of his role and influence in Cardi B's life and career.

Question 1: What is Cardi B's father's name?

Answer: Carlos Almanzar

Question 2: What is Cardi B's father's occupation?

Answer: Former New York City Police Department (NYPD) officer

Question 3: How long has Cardi B's father been married to her mother?

Answer: Since 1995

Question 4: How many children does Cardi B's father have?

Answer: Two daughters, Cardi B and Hennessy Carolina

Question 5: What is Cardi B's father's relationship with her?

Answer: Close and supportive, providing emotional support, mentorship, cultural grounding, and public advocacy

Question 6: How has Cardi B's father influenced her career?

Answer: By instilling discipline, street smarts, community involvement, respect for authority, and a strong work ethic; also providing guidance, support, and promotion

Summary: Cardi B's father, Carlos Almanzar, has played a significant role in shaping her life and career. His influence extends beyond genetics, encompassing emotional support, mentorship, cultural grounding, and public advocacy. His unwavering support and guidance have contributed to Cardi B's success as an artist and a businesswoman.

Transition: To further delve into Cardi B's personal life and relationships, the next article section will explore her marriage and family dynamics.

Tips from Cardi B's Dad

Cardi B's father, Carlos Almanzar, has shared valuable insights and advice that resonate with a wide audience. These tips offer guidance on personal growth, career development, and maintaining strong relationships.

Tip 1: Embrace Discipline and Hard Work

Almanzar emphasizes the importance of discipline and hard work in achieving success. He encourages setting clear goals, developing a strong work ethic, and persevering through challenges.

Tip 2: Nurture Strong Family Values

Almanzar believes in the power of family. He stresses the importance of building strong relationships with loved ones, supporting each other through thick and thin, and instilling positive values in children.

Tip 3: Foster a Positive Mindset

Almanzar encourages cultivating a positive mindset. He advises staying optimistic, focusing on solutions, and surrounding oneself with supportive people who uplift and inspire.

Tip 4: Seek Mentorship and Guidance

Almanzar emphasizes the value of mentorship. He encourages seeking guidance from experienced individuals who can provide valuable advice, support, and direction.

Tip 5: Stay True to Yourself

Almanzar believes in authenticity. He advises staying true to one's values, beliefs, and unique identity, regardless of external pressures or expectations.

Tip 6: Give Back to the Community

Almanzar encourages community involvement. He believes in giving back to the community, supporting local initiatives, and making a positive impact on society.

Summary: Cardi B's father, Carlos Almanzar, offers a wealth of wisdom and practical advice. By embracing these tips, individuals can enhance their personal growth, build meaningful relationships, achieve career success, and make a positive contribution to their communities.

Transition: For further insights into Cardi B's life and career, the next section will explore her experiences and accomplishments as a musician and businesswoman.


In examining the multifaceted role of "Cardi B's dad," this article has shed light on the significant influence of Carlos Almanzar in shaping his daughter's life and career. From providing emotional support and mentorship to instilling strong values and cultural grounding, Almanzar has been a constant source of guidance and support for Cardi B.

The insights and advice shared by Almanzar extend beyond the realm of fatherhood, offering valuable lessons on personal growth, career development, and maintaining strong relationships. By embracing discipline, nurturing family values, fostering a positive mindset, seeking mentorship, staying true to oneself, and giving back to the community, individuals can strive for success and fulfillment in all aspects of their lives.

The exploration of "Cardi B's dad" serves as a reminder of the profound impact fathers can have on their children's lives. It highlights the importance of supportive and nurturing relationships, the transmission of cultural heritage, and the power of guidance and encouragement in shaping the trajectory of an individual's journey.

