Strange Things About Hillary And Bill Clinton's Marriage

In another striking parallel to House of Cards, in which the Underwoods openly discuss their infidelities, later accounts of the Clintons' '92 campaign revealed that Hillary was allegedly well aware of her husband's philandering. In fact, multiple outlets reported that the couple shocked staffers by candidly addressing the issue.

In another striking parallel to House of Cards, in which the Underwoods openly discuss their infidelities, later accounts of the Clintons' '92 campaign revealed that Hillary was allegedly well aware of her husband's philandering. In fact, multiple outlets reported that the couple shocked staffers by candidly addressing the issue.

As The New York Times reported, "Stanley Greenberg, a pollster for the campaign who had strategized with the Clintons in the fall of 1991 about how to handle the rumors of infidelity, recalled Mrs. Clinton's acknowledgment that her husband had strayed. 'It was an uncomfortable meeting,' Mr. Greenberg said in an interview for an oral history of Mr. Clinton's presidency conducted by the Miller Center at the University of Virginia. 'I remember Hillary saying that, 'Obviously, if I could say no to this question, we would say no, and therefore, there is an issue.'"

Other reports suggest that Bill practically bragged about his affairs. According to U.S. News: "Betsey Wright, who was his chief of staff and one of Hillary's closest supporters ... had a list of all the people that she knew that Bill had slept with when he was governor, and then she was stunned when she confronted Bill with this and he added to that list large numbers of names."

