Region (AWS SDK for Java

JavaScript is disabled on your browser. An instance of this class can be retrieved by referencing one of the static constants defined in this class (eg. US_EAST_1) or by using the of(String) method if the region you want is not included in this release of the SDK.

Region (AWS SDK for Java - 2.25.22) @Generated("") public final class Region extends Object An Amazon Web Services region that hosts a set of Amazon services.

An instance of this class can be retrieved by referencing one of the static constants defined in this class (eg. US_EAST_1) or by using the of(String) method if the region you want is not included in this release of the SDK.

Each AWS region corresponds to a separate geographical location where a set of Amazon services is deployed. These regions (except for the special AWS_GLOBAL and AWS_CN_GLOBAL regions) are separate from each other, with their own set of resources. This means a resource created in one region (eg. an SQS queue) is not available in another region.

To programmatically determine whether a particular service is deployed to a region, you can use the serviceMetadata method on the service's client interface. Additional metadata about a region can be discovered using RegionMetadata.of(Region).

The id() will be used as the signing region for all requests to AWS services unless an explicit region override is available in RegionMetadata. This id will also be used to construct the endpoint for accessing a service unless an explicit endpoint is available for that region in RegionMetadata.

  • Field Details

    • AP_SOUTH_2

      public static final Region AP_SOUTH_2
    • AP_SOUTH_1

      public static final Region AP_SOUTH_1
    • EU_SOUTH_1

      public static final Region EU_SOUTH_1
    • EU_SOUTH_2

      public static final Region EU_SOUTH_2
    • US_GOV_EAST_1

      public static final Region US_GOV_EAST_1
    • ME_CENTRAL_1

      public static final Region ME_CENTRAL_1
    • IL_CENTRAL_1

      public static final Region IL_CENTRAL_1
    • CA_CENTRAL_1

      public static final Region CA_CENTRAL_1
    • EU_CENTRAL_1

      public static final Region EU_CENTRAL_1
    • US_ISO_WEST_1

      public static final Region US_ISO_WEST_1
    • EU_CENTRAL_2

      public static final Region EU_CENTRAL_2
    • US_WEST_1

      public static final Region US_WEST_1
    • US_WEST_2

      public static final Region US_WEST_2
    • AF_SOUTH_1

      public static final Region AF_SOUTH_1
    • EU_NORTH_1

      public static final Region EU_NORTH_1
    • EU_WEST_3

      public static final Region EU_WEST_3
    • EU_WEST_2

      public static final Region EU_WEST_2
    • EU_WEST_1

      public static final Region EU_WEST_1

      public static final Region AP_NORTHEAST_3

      public static final Region AP_NORTHEAST_2

      public static final Region AP_NORTHEAST_1
    • ME_SOUTH_1

      public static final Region ME_SOUTH_1
    • SA_EAST_1

      public static final Region SA_EAST_1
    • AP_EAST_1

      public static final Region AP_EAST_1
    • CN_NORTH_1

      public static final Region CN_NORTH_1
    • CA_WEST_1

      public static final Region CA_WEST_1
    • US_GOV_WEST_1

      public static final Region US_GOV_WEST_1

      public static final Region AP_SOUTHEAST_1

      public static final Region AP_SOUTHEAST_2
    • US_ISO_EAST_1

      public static final Region US_ISO_EAST_1

      public static final Region AP_SOUTHEAST_3

      public static final Region AP_SOUTHEAST_4
    • US_EAST_1

      public static final Region US_EAST_1
    • US_EAST_2

      public static final Region US_EAST_2

      public static final Region CN_NORTHWEST_1
    • US_ISOB_EAST_1

      public static final Region US_ISOB_EAST_1

      public static final Region AWS_GLOBAL

      public static final Region AWS_CN_GLOBAL

      public static final Region AWS_US_GOV_GLOBAL

      public static final Region AWS_ISO_GLOBAL

      public static final Region AWS_ISO_B_GLOBAL
  • Method Details

