Figure skater flashes nipple after suffering wardrobe malfunction in Winter Olympics ice dancing rou

You spend your whole life preparing for a shot at an Olympic medal - then the nightmare happens. It's the type of thing that causes you to sit bolt upright in the middle of the night. Its the sort of thing that results in an outbreak of cold sweat.

You spend your whole life preparing for a shot at an Olympic medal - then the nightmare happens.

It's the type of thing that causes you to sit bolt upright in the middle of the night. It’s the sort of thing that results in an outbreak of cold sweat.

Step forward French ice skater Gabriella Papadakis. She suffered an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction during an ice dancing routine at the Winter Olympics when her top fell down, exposing a nipple to millions of people around the world.

It happened inside the Gangneung Ice Arena as dance partner Guillaume Cizeron twirled her around during their performance - leaving Papdakis' left nipple exposed for all to see.

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She described it as her "worst nightmare".

“My costume opened up,” Papadakis, 22, said afterwards, reports the Mirror .

“It was difficult. It’s the first time that something like that happened. I tried to stay focused and finish without anything else happening.”

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The duo, favourites to win a medal, were left in second place, at the halfway point in the competition after receiving an incredible 81.93 from judges - despite the issue.

However, the nip slip did cost Papadakis and Cizeron points, according to the latter.

“It’s just frustrating to miss a few points just because of a costume issue," Cizeron explained.

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“It’s not what we get ready for when we train. But you know, I’m so proud that we managed to pull out a program like that even with a difficulty like this,” he said. “And we just look forward to a new day tomorrow and we have our chances to win and we’ll just do our best.

"The outfit was in our thoughts all along the program, a little bit.

"I think the twizzles is the only thing that kind of affected us the most because, you know, when you rotate it’s kind of hard to keep your dress on when it’s open.”

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