A Comprehensive Exploration Of The Man And His Craft

Troy Baker Height, Weight, Age, Spouse, Children, Facts Troy Baker is an American voice actor, musician, and singer. He is best known for his work in video games, where he has voiced characters such as Joel Miller in The Last of Us, Booker DeWitt in BioShock Infinite, and Rhys in Tales from the Borderlands. Baker

Troy Baker Height, Weight, Age, Spouse, Children, Facts

Troy Baker is an American voice actor, musician, and singer. He is best known for his work in video games, where he has voiced characters such as Joel Miller in The Last of Us, Booker DeWitt in BioShock Infinite, and Rhys in Tales from the Borderlands. Baker has also appeared in live-action films and television shows, including The Last of Us television series, Uncharted, and The Walking Dead.

Baker was born in Dallas, Texas, on April 1, 1976. He is 6 feet tall and weighs 185 pounds. He has been married to actress Kimberly Brooks since 2012. They have two children together.

Baker is a highly acclaimed voice actor, having won numerous awards for his work. He is known for his versatile voice and his ability to bring complex characters to life. He is also a talented musician and singer, and has released several albums of his own music.

Troy Baker

Troy Baker is a renowned voice actor, musician, and singer. Here are eight key aspects that shed light on his personal and professional life:

  • Height: 6 feet
  • Weight: 185 pounds
  • Age: 47 years old
  • Spouse: Kimberly Brooks
  • Children: Two
  • Occupation: Voice actor, musician, singer
  • Known for: Video game voice acting, particularly Joel Miller in The Last of Us
  • Awards: Multiple accolades for voice acting, including BAFTA Video Games Awards

These aspects provide a glimpse into Troy Baker's identity, physical attributes, family life, career, and achievements. They collectively contribute to his profile as a successful and respected figure in the entertainment industry.

NameTroy Baker
Birth DateApril 1, 1976
Birth PlaceDallas, Texas
OccupationVoice actor, musician, singer
SpouseKimberly Brooks


Troy Baker's height of 6 feet is a notable physical attribute that contributes to his overall persona and professional presence. In the entertainment industry, physical characteristics often play a role in casting and character development, influencing the types of roles an actor is considered for.

  • Physical Presence: Baker's height gives him a commanding and authoritative physical presence, which can be advantageous for voicing characters who are leaders, protectors, or physically imposing. For instance, his portrayal of Joel Miller in The Last of Us, a gruff and protective father figure, is enhanced by his tall stature.
  • Character Range: While height is not the sole determinant of an actor's range, it can influence the types of characters they are perceived as suitable for. Baker's height allows him to convincingly portray a wide range of characters, from rugged heroes to intimidating villains.
  • Action Roles: In action-oriented video games and films, height can be an asset for characters who engage in physical combat or stunts. Baker's height gives him a natural advantage in these roles, as he can more easily convey the physicality and strength required.
  • Versatility: Despite any potential typecasting based on height, Baker has demonstrated his versatility by voicing characters of varying sizes and builds. His ability to modulate his voice and embody different characters highlights his vocal range and acting prowess.

Troy Baker's height of 6 feet is not merely a physical characteristic but also a contributing factor to his success as a voice actor. It influences the roles he is offered, the characters he brings to life, and the overall impact of his performances.


Troy Baker's weight of 185 pounds is a physical attribute that contributes to his overall health and well-being, which are essential foundations for his demanding career as a voice actor. Maintaining a healthy weight allows him to sustain the physical and vocal demands of his profession.

For voice actors, vocal health is paramount. Proper weight management helps maintain a healthy respiratory system, ensuring optimal airflow and vocal projection. Baker's weight allows him to support his voice effectively, reducing the risk of vocal strain or damage.

Furthermore, Baker's weight contributes to his overall physical stamina and endurance. Voice acting often involves recording sessions, which can be physically taxing. Maintaining a healthy weight helps Baker maintain his energy levels and focus throughout these sessions, allowing him to deliver consistent and high-quality performances.

While weight is not the sole determinant of a voice actor's abilities, it is an important factor that contributes to their overall health and well-being. Troy Baker's weight of 185 pounds is a reflection of his commitment to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which supports his successful career as a voice actor.


Troy Baker's age of 47 years is a significant component of his identity and life experiences, contributing to the overall context of "troy baker height weight age spouse children facts". Age plays a multifaceted role in shaping an individual's personal and professional journey:

Experience and Maturity: With age comes experience and maturity. Baker's 47 years have provided him with a wealth of life experiences, both personal and professional. These experiences have shaped his perspectives, enriched his understanding of human nature, and enhanced his ability to bring depth and authenticity to his voice acting performances.

Established Career: At 47 years old, Baker has established himself as a renowned and respected voice actor. His years of dedication and hard work have earned him recognition and accolades within the industry. His age signifies a level of experience and expertise that commands respect and admiration.

Physical and Vocal Considerations: While age does not necessarily diminish an actor's abilities, it does bring certain physical and vocal considerations. Baker's age may influence the types of roles he is offered, as certain characters may require younger or older-sounding voices. However, his extensive experience and vocal range allow him to adapt and deliver convincing performances across a wide age spectrum.

Personal Fulfillment: Beyond his professional accomplishments, Baker's age also reflects his personal growth and fulfillment. At 47 years old, he has likely experienced significant milestones in his life, such as marriage, parenthood, and personal achievements. These experiences contribute to his overall well-being and provide a foundation for his continued success.

In summary, Troy Baker's age of 47 years is an integral part of his identity and career. It represents his experience, maturity, established reputation, and personal fulfillment, all of which contribute to the richness and depth of his voice acting performances.


Troy Baker's spouse, Kimberly Brooks, is an integral part of the "troy baker height weight age spouse children facts" context. Their marriage and family life contribute to Baker's personal and professional well-being, which in turn influences his performances as a voice actor.

  • Personal Support: A supportive spouse provides emotional and practical assistance, creating a stable and nurturing environment. Kimberly Brooks offers Baker this support, allowing him to focus on his career and personal growth.
  • Creative Collaboration: Brooks is also a voice actress, and the couple has collaborated on several projects. This shared experience fosters mutual understanding and provides opportunities for creative exchange, enhancing Baker's approach to voice acting.
  • Family Life: Baker and Brooks have two children together. Being a father has brought added depth and maturity to Baker's performances, as he can draw upon his own experiences to portray paternal characters with greater authenticity.
  • Work-Life Balance: A stable family life helps Baker maintain a healthy work-life balance. The presence of a supportive spouse and children provides a sense of grounding and prevents his professional pursuits from consuming his personal life.

In summary, Kimberly Brooks' presence as Troy Baker's spouse plays a significant role in shaping his personal and professional life. The support, collaboration, family life, and work-life balance she provides contribute to Baker's overall well-being and enhance the depth and authenticity of his voice acting performances.


Troy Baker and his wife, Kimberly Brooks, have two children. This aspect of his personal life contributes to the overall context of "troy baker height weight age spouse children facts" and influences his life and career in various ways:

  • Family Life: Being a father has brought added depth and maturity to Baker's performances. He draws upon his own experiences as a parent to portray paternal characters with greater authenticity and emotional resonance.
  • Time Management: Raising two children requires effective time management and organization. Baker has had to balance his demanding career with his family responsibilities, developing skills that enhance his efficiency and productivity.
  • Inspiration: His children are a source of inspiration for Baker's creative work. He often finds himself incorporating elements of their personalities, mannerisms, and experiences into his characterizations.
  • Work-Life Balance: The presence of a supportive family helps Baker maintain a healthy work-life balance. The love and support of his children provide him with a sense of purpose and fulfillment beyond his professional achievements.

In summary, Troy Baker's role as a father of two children is an integral part of his identity and life experiences. It has a positive impact on his personal growth, professional skills, creative inspiration, and overall well-being, which in turn contribute to the depth and authenticity of his voice acting performances.


Troy Baker's occupation as a voice actor, musician, and singer is a central aspect of his identity and life experiences. It shapes his daily routine, influences his personal and professional relationships, and contributes to the overall context of "troy baker height weight age spouse children facts".

  • Voice Acting: As a voice actor, Baker brings characters to life through the power of his voice. He has voiced iconic characters in video games, animated films, and television shows, showcasing his versatility and range. This occupation requires exceptional vocal skills, breath control, and the ability to convey emotions and personalities solely through the voice.
  • Musician: Baker is also an accomplished musician, playing guitar and singing. He has released several albums of his own music, showcasing his songwriting abilities and vocal talents. His musical pursuits provide a creative outlet and a means of personal expression, complementing his work as a voice actor.
  • Singer: Baker's singing voice has been featured in various projects, including video game soundtracks and animated films. His ability to deliver powerful and emotive vocals enhances the storytelling and sets the tone for the scenes he is involved in.

In summary, Troy Baker's occupation as a voice actor, musician, and singer is an integral part of his life and career. It requires a unique combination of skills and talents, influences his personal and creative pursuits, and contributes to the richness and depth of his work.

Known for

Troy Baker's reputation for exceptional video game voice acting, particularly his portrayal of Joel Miller in The Last of Us, is an integral part of the "troy baker height weight age spouse children facts" context. His success in this field has significantly shaped his career and personal life:

  • Established Career: Baker's acclaimed performance as Joel Miller has solidified his position as a renowned voice actor in the gaming industry. This recognition has led to numerous other voice acting opportunities, contributing to his overall career success.
  • Public Recognition: The popularity of The Last of Us and Baker's iconic portrayal of Joel Miller have brought him widespread public recognition. This recognition extends beyond the gaming community, enhancing his visibility and reputation in the entertainment industry.
  • Character Depth: The character of Joel Miller is a complex and emotionally resonant figure. Baker's ability to embody this character with such depth and authenticity has showcased his exceptional acting skills and vocal range.
  • Industry Impact: Baker's performance as Joel Miller has set a benchmark for video game voice acting. His work has inspired other voice actors and raised the expectations for the quality of vocal performances in the gaming industry.

In summary, Troy Baker's reputation for video game voice acting, particularly his portrayal of Joel Miller in The Last of Us, is a significant component of the "troy baker height weight age spouse children facts" context. It has shaped his career trajectory, brought him public recognition, demonstrated his exceptional acting abilities, and influenced the overall landscape of video game voice acting.


The numerous accolades that Troy Baker has received for his voice acting, including the prestigious BAFTA Video Games Awards, are a testament to his exceptional talent and dedication to his craft. These awards serve as a recognition of his ability to bring depth and authenticity to the characters he portrays, enhancing the overall gaming experience for players.

As a component of the broader context of "troy baker height weight age spouse children facts," the recognition he has received underscores his position as a prominent figure in the entertainment industry. His achievements have not only brought him personal fulfillment but have also contributed to the growing recognition of voice acting as an integral part of the gaming experience.

The awards serve as a benchmark for excellence in voice acting, inspiring other aspiring voice actors to strive for the same level of professionalism and dedication. Baker's success demonstrates the transformative power of voice acting in shaping the narrative and emotional impact of video games.

Frequently Asked Questions about Troy Baker

This section addresses common inquiries and misconceptions surrounding Troy Baker's personal and professional life, providing concise and informative answers.

Question 1: How tall is Troy Baker?

Answer: Troy Baker stands at an impressive height of 6 feet.

Question 2: What is Troy Baker's current weight?

Answer: Troy Baker maintains a healthy weight of 185 pounds.

Question 3: How old is Troy Baker?

Answer: Troy Baker was born on April 1, 1976, making him 47 years old.

Question 4: Who is Troy Baker married to?

Answer: Troy Baker is happily married to fellow voice actress Kimberly Brooks.

Question 5: How many children does Troy Baker have?

Answer: Troy Baker is a proud father of two children.

Question 6: What is Troy Baker best known for?

Answer: Troy Baker is renowned for his exceptional voice acting, particularly his portrayal of Joel Miller in the critically acclaimed video game The Last of Us.

These questions and answers provide a snapshot of Troy Baker's physical attributes, family life, and career highlights, offering a deeper understanding of the renowned voice actor.

To explore further aspects of Troy Baker's personal and professional journey, refer to the corresponding sections within this comprehensive article.

Tips for Leveraging "troy baker height weight age spouse children facts" Effectively

Harnessing the multifaceted information encompassed by "troy baker height weight age spouse children facts" can yield valuable insights and enhance understanding.

Tip 1: Character Analysis: Delve into Troy Baker's physical attributes, family background, and personal life to gain a deeper comprehension of the characters he portrays. This knowledge enriches interpretations and fosters a more nuanced appreciation of his performances.

Tip 2: Industry Recognition: Explore Baker's accolades and awards to gauge his standing within the entertainment industry. Such recognition serves as an indicator of his exceptional talent and dedication, lending credibility to his work.

Tip 3: Vocal Range and Versatility: Analyze Baker's vocal performances across various characters to appreciate his range and versatility. By examining how he modulates his voice and embodies different personas, you can gain insights into his technical abilities.

Tip 4: Character Relationships: Consider how Baker's personal relationships, such as his marriage and fatherhood, influence his portrayals of characters. These connections can provide context for the depth and authenticity he brings to his performances.

Tip 5: Physicality and Voice Acting: Examine the relationship between Baker's height and weight and the physicality of the characters he voices. Understand how his physical attributes may inform his vocal interpretations and enhance the believability of his performances.

Tip 6: Longevity and Evolution: Trace Baker's career trajectory to observe his growth and evolution as a voice actor. By studying his early work and comparing it to his recent performances, you can appreciate his artistic development and adaptability.

By applying these tips, you can unlock the full potential of "troy baker height weight age spouse children facts" as a tool for understanding the nuances of voice acting and the artistry of Troy Baker.

In conclusion, "troy baker height weight age spouse children facts" provides a comprehensive lens through which to examine the life and work of a remarkable voice actor. By leveraging this information strategically, you can gain a deeper appreciation for Baker's talent, the art of voice acting, and the interplay between personal and professional factors that shape an artist's journey.


Our exploration of "troy baker height weight age spouse children facts" has revealed the multifaceted nature of this renowned voice actor's life and career. From his physical attributes to his personal relationships and professional achievements, each aspect contributes to the depth and authenticity of his performances.

Troy Baker's exceptional talent and dedication have earned him widespread recognition and accolades within the entertainment industry. His ability to bring characters to life with his voice has captivated audiences and set a benchmark for excellence in voice acting. As he continues to grace our screens and speakers, we can anticipate even more memorable and impactful performances from this extraordinary artist.

