EliteSingles Review - AskMen

Best for: Professional-minded people who are searching for partners of a similar bent. The AskMen editorial team thoroughly researches & reviews the best gear, services and staples for life. AskMen may get paid if you click a link in this article and buy a product or service.

Best for: Professional-minded people who are searching for partners of a similar bent. 

The AskMen editorial team thoroughly researches & reviews the best gear, services and staples for life. AskMen may get paid if you click a link in this article and buy a product or service.

One of the supposed benefits of online dating was that it completely restructured who single people were most likely to meet. 

Prior to the internet, unless you were doing your dating via personals ads in newspapers, you weren’t very likely to meet people from vastly different backgrounds from your own. The people you ran into in your neighborhood, at your job, at your church, at your school, and through friends stood a good chance of having similar backgrounds, education levels, and so forth. 

While online dating upended all of that, not everyone was crazy about it. 

The idea behind EliteSingles is that people with high-paying, prestigious jobs might want to date other people of a similar type, and using popular dating apps like Tinder and Bumble means they might have to sift through hundreds or thousands of profiles from less well-off users. If you’re well-educated, rich and successful, cutting to the chase and choosing between other people like you sounds like the dream. 

But has EliteSingles been able to successfully construct a walled garden they envision? 

Key Features

  • SSL Verification Technology
  • Lengthy questionnaire
  • Matching algorithm
  • Height range
  • Age range
  • Have You Met?
  • Smiles and Icebreakers
  • Mobile app

Elite Singles Review

EliteSingles functions like many old-fashioned dating sites — though it has a mobile app now, reviews suggest that it can be buggy, and you’re probably better off exploring what it has to offer on desktop for the time being. 

After signing in, you can take a look at your “matches,” where the site places the profiles of users it thinks you may click with based on its algorithms, your messages, and visitors, i.e. people who’ve checked out your profile.

Like many legacy sites, EliteSingles has also added a vaguely Tinder-like functionality called “Have You Met?” that enables you to quickly view profiles of users near you, and indicate your interest (or lack thereof) by clicking an X or a smiley face. 

However, unlike Tinder, this functionality doesn’t appeared to be tied to geolocation, meaning these users are no closer to you than the ones you’re seeing on the main site. It doesn’t require both users to like each other in order to allow for messaging either, which could allow for you to send more messages, but also means you might be sending messages to more uninterested people. 

Though EliteSingles claims to have... well, elite singles, the site itself is closer to decent than next-level. If cutting-edge tech and fancy graphical interfaces are a must for you, EliteSingles might not be the ideal spot to do your online dating, to say nothing of the relatively steep price (a full year will cost you a shade under $240). 

However, the site claims to have 13 million members worldwide, which is nothing to sneeze at, and if its numbers are accurate, to pair up an average of 2,000 couples a month. 

Signing Up

Where many contemporary dating online dating options try to simplify the sign-up process as much as possible to get users onto the app as far as possible in a “swipe first, ask questions later” kind of ethos, EliteSingles takes a radically different approach that may be polarizing depending on how much effort you’re comfortable putting in. True to its approach in being a site for driven and ambitious people, the sign-up process for EliteSingles has the prospective user answer no fewer than 115 questions about themselves. 

You’ll be presented with questions such as “What is your profession?” and “How tall are you?,” as well as questions about what you’re looking for, such as “How important is age in a partner?” and “How important is intelligence and education level in a partner?” You’ll also be asked to answer more personality-based questions, like choosing between two art images, deciding which season inspires you the most, and stating how much you agree with a variety of statements regarding how adventurous you are, how much you like helping others, how over you feel overwhelmed, and so on. 

Curiously, despite the complexity of this part of the process, EliteSingles uses a stone-age approach to gender, asking those signing up to choose whether they are a man or a woman, and offering them the option to choose between men and women as those they want to partner up with, leaving queer people who identify as bisexual, pansexual and/or gender-non-conforming people out in the lurch. 

What it costs: $37.95 per month if you sign up for three months, $21.95 a month if you sign up for six months, and $19.95 per month if you sign up for a whole year. You can opt to pay by either Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners Club, or PayPal. 

Sign up for EliteSingles here 

Elite Singles

How Does Elite Singles Work - Searching for Matches

Unlike apps that mostly show you people very close by, EliteSingles allows you to choose between four distance settings: 500 miles, 200 miles, 100 miles, and 50 miles, meaning you’re going to be seeing people from a pretty broad swath of the surrounding area no matter which you choose. 

There’s no actual search functionality on the site; rather, you’re presented with up to seven new algorithmically selected matches per day, which stack up, meaning you can still message past matches even if you don’t contact them on the first day. You can also discover other users by making your way through the “Have We Met?” functionality. 

Elite Singles

How to Start a Conversation on EliteSingles 

As with most dating sites, you can kickstart a conversation on EliteSingles using a few different methods. 

The easiest is by checking out your matches and clicking “send message,” but you can also send a simple “smile,” or an “icebreaker,” which allows you to choose from a handful of pre-written questions such as “If you could time travel, would you rather meet your ancestors or your descendants?” and “Where was the best cocktail you’ve ever had?”

You can also message the users you come across in the “Have You Met?” section, but the smile and icebreaker options aren’t available there. 

Elite Singles

Safety & Security

Any site that advertises itself as elite and exclusive should invest in good security technology for two reasons — first, to ensure that its users are genuinely well-to-do, and second, to ensure that these genuinely well-to-do users aren’t easily fleeced. 

So how does EliteSingles stack up in these departments? As with other aspects of the site, it’s a bit of a mixed bag. While Mashable notes that the site is generally low on dead or obviously fake profiles according to reviews, there’s no functionality for ensuring that people really do have the jobs they say they have, even something as simple as pairing your profile with a LinkedIn page. That means the person who claims to be a doctor or lawyer could be anything but. 

However, like many other contemporary apps, you can’t just upload any old photo as the site repeatedly nixed attempts to upload an illustration in place of a photograph. That said, you can go photo-free. It uses Positive SSL technology and a fraud detection technology called “Profile Verified” in order to ensure that you’re not encountering bots. You can check out their privacy policy here for more detailed information. 

