D&D 5E - Conflict with Blackrazor

Most recently, my Earth Genasi Genie Warlock pulled the card that swapped his alignment and the card that grants a free Rare or Rarer Magic Weapon. So, being the intelligent idiot I am, I requested Blackrazor.

Ok. For a little while, my DND group has gotten rather obsessed with the Deck of Many Things. It's shown up in just about every campaign for the last year. And it's always disruptive. Always. So much so that I have decided it will no longer feature in any of my campaigns. We've had our fun. That's over now.

Most recently, my Earth Genasi Genie Warlock pulled the card that swapped his alignment and the card that grants a free Rare or Rarer Magic Weapon. So, being the intelligent idiot I am, I requested Blackrazor.

So here's my thoughts. My character was the child of a Dao Genie, and that Genie is his Patron. I decided that, as part Dao, my character has intense inborn greed, so much so that he literally feels pain when he gives away anything worth more than 1 gold. That includes gold pieces. He'll only spend Silver. His father is helping him learn how to deal with that, particularly in the realm of business. So he gave him a Ledger (the Tome), and is teaching him about investing. It's ok to give up something if you're going to get more later.

So he's very, very Lawful Neutral, even though he's filled with Greed. He only takes what is agreed on to be his. He keeps careful track of what is his and what isn't. He puts it in his ring and no one sees it again. 10% of what goes into the Ring goes to the patron. That's the deal.

But pulling that d*** card, he's now Chaotic Neutral. I had a hard time figuring out what that meant, but essentially it means he doesn't follow the rules. He goes by his gut. I don't want him to just start stealing things, that would be too disruptive. Instead, he just has no interest in learning how to invest, or studying his Ledger. He will break laws and do whatever he needs to to amass wealth. He doesn't care about the future, so much as the RIGHT NOW.

We leveled up to Lvl 4 at the same time, so I took the opportunity to switch out the Tome for the Chain, because his familiar (which was just a normal Bat he got from having the Tome), was becoming an important part of the game. Now Batty McBatface is all kinds of supped up. I'm thinking an Imp, reskinned to be a Bat-Man.

Thing is, his Patron won't like that. At all. So the Patron's not going to train him past lvl 5. So either Din needs to multiclass...or he needs a new Patron.

Que Blackrazor. As I said, I'd pulled the card that grants a Rare or Rarer Magic Weapon. I went to the DM and said "Can I have Blackrazor, and make it my new patron? That means I'd switch to being a Hexblade." He said Ok.

Now, I know I can't use it as a Hexblade Weapon unless I make it my Pact Weapon, and since I'm Pact of the Chain that aint happening. My first thought was to take the Pact of the Blade, but in all honesty, it just didn't appeal to me. The invocations are subpar. I don't need Improved Pact Weapon, Booming Blade means I don't need Thirsting Blade, and i have other uses for spell slots than Smites. And none of the basic Invocations really appeal to me. What appeals to me is Investment of the Chain Master and Gift of the Ever Living Ones. A supped up Familiar who can attack, and max healing.

So it's not a Hexblade Weapon. I can't use Charisma to attack with it. Which is a bummer. But since it's a +3 weapon, and my strength is a 14, that basically just puts it on par with any Hexblade weapon I'd have. So in this case, I only have a +7 to hit, which his reasonable for a magic weapon at lvl 4, instead of a +9 to hit at lvl 4.

Side note: If this turns out to just be too powerful, then what we're going to do is have me carry Blackrazor on my back, while using another weapon, such as a Longsword. I'll make the Longsword my Hexblade Weapon, to use Charisma. Essentially, Blackrazor will deem me to weak to be able to properly wield him, so I'll need to use a go between. Anything that I kill with the Hexblade Weapon will have its soul consumed by Blackrazor, but I won't get the bonuses. At some point in the future, supposedly I'd grow out of that and be able to use the Blade again. I have no qualms with this if this is the way we wind up going.

All that aside, my main question is this: According to the book, if you don't feed the blade a soul once every three days, you will "Come into conflict at sunset on the third day". But what does that mean? There's nothing in there about what such a Conflict would entail, or what happens if you lose. Any thoughts?

